Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 30, 2012

Thanks so much for the copies of SAVVY that were sent in for our class set. We have 15 of the 28 needed to give each student a copy to use.  I hope to begin reading the book next week after returning from our long weekend.  In math, the students completed the pre-assessment today.  We will be flex grouping the kids, and they will begin switching classes on Wednesday next week.  Our first science quiz on the Water Cycle will be next Thursday, September 6. 

Scholastic Book orders are due by Friday, September 7.  Order forms went home in the very first blue Wednesday Folder at Orientation.  If you need another form, just let me know; I will be happy to give you one. 

Homework 8/31/12
L.A.  1. Student Interview Sheet
         2. Choose a fantasy book to read by Tuesday, September 4.
         3. Read for 30 minutes

Science: 1. Water Cycle Crossword Puzzle
             2.   Water Cycle Quiz Thursday, September 6

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