Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

What an incredible first week!

Leaning Tower of Pasta Challenge

Goals: Team building, planning, organizing, problem solving, time management, creativity, and lateral thinking

Time: 20 minutes

The Rules:
1. You may use only the pasta and mashmallows issued. Each team must construct a tower of their own
2.  All team members be activiely involved.
3. The winning tower will be the tallest free standing stucture.



The Winners...building the highest tower in LPT history at 25 inches!
5th Grade DC Field Trip
March 20-March 22

The date for our fifth grade field trip to Washington, DC is set!  We will leave school on March 20 (at the crack of dawn) and return the night of March 22.  Parents, we will need lots of chaperones. If you are interested, please come into school and fill out the Wake County Chaperone Application if you did not do that yet.  It only takes a few minutes, but must be done from a school computer.

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