Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week of February 10~February 14

Second Grade
Events in history are arranged chronologically. What does that mean?  Let's investigate together by creating a timeline of events for your school year so far.  Think about 3 important or memorable things that have happened so far this school year. Record them on your Timeline Brainstorming sheet.  Then we will use the computer to create a timeline that includes pictures and text.

Third Grade
In Science you are learning about space and the stars. This week we will watch a few short video segments about constellations and then you will use Microsoft Paint to create your own constellation.  You will learn how to save your picture in a new format so that you can insert it into a Word document.  Next week you will write a story about how your constellation came to be.  

In addition, here are some great links to  games about the space and the constellations!
 Kids Astronomy.com Game                                    Solar Trictionary!
                                                Astronomy for Kids
Write Your Own Adventure in Space!                                 Juno Quest~ Mission to Jupiter

Super Cool Space Tools                          Funbrain Constellation Game

Fourth Grade
We will choose a few students each week to present their  Surprising Facts About 50 Years Ago PowerPoint presentations at the beginning of class. Then you will work with a partner to complete an Olympic Digital Dive from Discovery Education.  When you log in to Discovery ED, you will see the assignment there for you. Next week, you will be creating digital boards of your own.

Fifth Grade
We will choose a few students each week to present their  Surprising Facts About 50 Years Ago PowerPoint presentations at the beginning of class. Then you will continue using Discovery Education Board Builder to complete your Human Body Systems boards.  You will learn how to submit your board to Ms. Bell and where to find the comments she will post after checking your board.

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