Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

**Friendly Reminder that tomorrow is an Early Release Day for students.  The kids will be dismissed at 12:30.  Have a great afternoon!

As our Union and Confederate troops continue Basic Training, 2 recruits from each regiment went to the Quarter Master to bargain for better weapons or provisions for their infantry unit. Those with enough Common Sense (points) were rewarded with better rifles and food. The soldiers then chose their supplies and calculated the weight they will carry in their packs.  Some soldiers are in for a rude awakening when they realize that the weight of their pack will affect their stamina and strength over the next week! With the role of a dice, soldiers earned their rank: Private, Private 1st Class, Corporal, or Sergeant. All soldiers are anxious for what is to come...

In math, we worked on writing math expressions and solving for an unknown variable.  Students worked through various flipchart activities to practice these skills. 

Homework 4/26/12
L.A.: Read Ch. 7 & 8 Homer Figg
Math: 1. Capital Idea (back)
           2. Happy Birthday to You (back)

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