Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

What a glorious day! Today, the 53rd Alabama Infantry, 67th Georgia Infantry, and 25th Mississippi Infantry joined the ranks of the Confederate Army to help send Billy Yank back where he belongs! The 19th Connecticut Infantry, 15th Maine Infantry, and 10th Ohio Infantry  formed to help the Union Army teach Johnny Reb a lesson. The date is April 17, 1862.  New recruits worked together to create Regimental flags. Tomorrow they will choose provisions and weapons in preparation for Basic Training.  The soldiers in all units, North and South, were eager to enlist in the military and look forward to a chance for glory and adventure.  After a long morning of preparing for what is to come, the recruits were able to relax with a new book, The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg to unwind.  Thanks so much to everyone who donated a book, and thanks to Mrs. Petzold for going all the way to Quail Ridge Books to pick them up.

Returning to present day, the students switched math groups today to begin our next unit, algebraic thinking and measurement.  We are learning new vocabulary and working with variables to write expressions and solve equations. In Science, the kids finally had the opportunity to check out a few prepared slides under the microscope- way cool!

Homework 4/25/12
L.A./S.S: Battle of Antietam (2-sided)
               Finish Ch.2 & 3 Homer P. Figg

Math: Connect Words & Meaning (p.259)
          Put Words Into Action (p.261)

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