Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

The Civil War..."What caused it? Why did the South feel like they needed to keep slaves? How many soldiers died in it? What supplies and weapons did the Union have that the Confederacy did not? What is secession? Did African Americans participate in/help win the Civil War? What effect did the war have on our country? families? children? How many battles were fought?"  These are just some of the great lines of inquiry, or wonderings, that the students developed.  Over the course of the next few weeks, the students will be participating in a Civil War simulation and reading The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg.  In this investigation they will take on a role and investigate the Civil War from different perspectives.  Each soldier will keep a journal about his/her experiences that will be turned in for a grade.  This cross-curricular unit will encompass reading, writing, math, science, and social studies objectives.

The students took the Geometry End of Unit test today. They will be given an opportunity to show what they know about Algebraic Thinking and Measurement in a pre-assessment tomorrow. After the pre-tests are graded, the teachers will coordinate to flex group the students based on areas of strength and concepts that need to be learned.  As the Geometry test was today, there was no homework given this evening.

Homework 4/23/12
LA/SS: Read/Complete pgs. 4-6 Civil War.
Science: Get test signed

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