Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

Tomorrow the fifth graders will be participating in a math EOG field test. This test is given by the county and it includes possible future questions. It has no bearing on the student's current grade or this year's math EOG.

Thanks to Joe, we had a chance to look at creek water under the microscope today!  Eliza was kind enough to bring in her microscope kit as well, so we also looked at a prepared life from a bean plant.  Way cool!  Tomorrow we observe other prepared slides in class. 

Our class is about to begin reading The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg by Rodman Philbrick.  We have 10 copies, but need another 18.  Quail Ridge Books has agreed to order them and give us a discount. The books will be in on Monday or Tuesday (I am awaiting an e-mail,) and will cost $5.89 including tax.  The store will be holding the copies in the back for our class, so they will definitely be there.  If anyone is willing to purchase and pick up a copy for our class it would be greatly appreciated.  Please let me know if you can help out. 
Homework 4/19/12
Math: Geometry Review WS (2-sided)
Language Arts: Read for fun!

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