Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23, 2012

Our book clubs finally had a chance to meet today!  The kids did a great job delving deeper into their books and discussing everything from characters to connections to plot and themes.  Book clubs will meet again next Friday.  In math the students used geo-boards support their learning of polgons. Tomorrow is Science-Go-Round.  The fifth graders will be traveling to different workshops including Rockets, Roller Coasters, Umm That Tastes Good, and Up, Up and Away.

Hands-On Geometry
Check out my decagon!

Homework 2/23/12:
Language Arts: Read Book Club Book for 30 minutes & do Post-It Notes
**Bring a Bagged Lunch for Science-Go-Round if you are not buying**

Math: Draw (or use clipart shapes to create) a picture using at least one of each kind of polygon on the reference sheet **You must use a ruler or straight edge

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