Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

  Starting the school week on Wednesday every once in a while sure is nice!  Beginning this week, Wednesday mornings will be dedicated to reading strategies and test taking skills. The students will be going to different teachers from 8:45-9:30am to work on skills and strategies to enhance their reading and help or improve on being an active, engaged reader.
  We began our Geometry Unit in math today.  The students are off to a great start.  We defined a polygon, created a flowchart to classify different polygons, and used geo-boards to make shapes and discuss concepts.A polygon reference sheet can be found in a plastic sheet protector in the student's math section of their binders. It is great to see some new faces in our math class.  Our group will continue to be fluid, so students may be moving in and out throughout the unit.

Homework 2/22/12
Language Arts: Book Club Reading (30 min) & Post-It notes
Math: Pondering Polygons (2-sided)

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