Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 7 ~ April 11

Welcome back Joyner Students!

Next week you are going to start learning about animals.  We are going to watch a short movie about animals together.

Then, here are some great games to kick start your learning...
Animal Homes

Barnyard Match-Up

Animal Home Match-Up

Create an Animal Ocean

Create a Jungle

Create a forest

Butterfly Match-Up

First Grade
Let learning take you around the world!  I hear you are currently visiting the rain forest in Brazil.  Check out this cool BrainPop Jr. video about the rain forest.
                                                                    Rain Forests  

After you watch the video, tell a partner 3 things you learned about the rain forest.

Next, play this game to find the animals in the rain forest.

Then click on the link below to create your own rain forest bug with the gang from the Magic School Bus.
Build a Monster Bug

Third Grade
This week you are going to learn how to use the world's biggest LEGO set! Build with Chrome is AWESOME!  This week you will attend the "Build Academy" to master the basics. Vitruvius

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