Thursday, April 17, 2014

5th Grade International Athlete Project


            Choose an international athlete who has made an important contribution to their sport.
            Using your technology special time, time at home or any time allotted by your classroom teacher, starting the week of April 21st, use the internet or media center to find information on an international athlete and to print out a picture of the athlete.  Also, use this time to type a short report.
            Once you have decided on an international athlete (not from the US), give your selection to Ms. Bell (technology teacher).  In order to prevent students from reporting on the same athlete, make your choice quickly (first come, first serve basis).
            Project is due to Mr. Poyer on or before May 19th.  Please contact me if you need any help.
Turn in:  ***1 printed page with 3 paragraphs
1st Paragraph – personal information about athlete (country where they were born, height, weight, etc…).
2nd Paragraph – interesting facts
3rd Paragraph – athlete’s contribution to the sport or how they have impacted you.
***1 page clear picture of athlete (try to get athlete in action)

***Make sure your name and the athletes name are on both pages.

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