Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24-February 28

Second Grade-
Keeping track of important events in history is easy to do on a timeline.  You are learning about timelines in Social Studies with your teacher.  Timelines can be presented in many different formats. Check out these cool examples ...
Photo Timeline of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ancient Egypt Timeline

U.S. Timeline from Time for Kids

The History of Video Game Consoles

Today we are going to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a timeline of your school year (so far!)  First we need to get a copy of the template from the 2nd Grade folder on the Shared Drive.  Let's do that together...

Next, brainstorm at least three important or memorable things that happened this year.  You don't need exact dates if you can't remember. Write down your events on a piece of paper, then type them into to the text boxes on the template.

Another great resource from READ, WRITE THINK can be used to capture some important moments in your history, and then print them.

Third Grade-
This week you will be working on publishing the personal narratives you wrote in language arts.  You will create and save your document in Microsoft WORD.

Fourth Grade
We will choose a few students to present their  Surprising Facts About 50 Years Ago PowerPoint presentations at the beginning of class. Then you will work with a partner to complete an Olympic Digital Dive from Discovery Education.  When you log in to Discovery ED, you will see the assignment there for you. Next week, you will be creating digital boards of your own.

Fifth Grade
We will choose a few students each week to present their  Surprising Facts About 50 Years Ago PowerPoint presentations at the beginning of class. Then you use Discovery Education Board Builder to create a board about Weather.  You can choose any topic related to this area of study, including one that you have learned about in Science class. You will learn how to submit your board to Ms. Bell and where to find the comments she will post after checking your board.

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