Monday, August 27, 2012

August 17, 2012~A Fabulous First Day of School!

Fabulous First Day of School!

Wow! What a great first day of school. The students came ready to learn, participate, and help others.   We are taking the first few days to get to know each other and go over the "ins and outs" of 5th grade.  We will be starting the book SAVVY by Ingrid Law next week.  If anyone is willing to donate a copy to our class set, it will be greatly appreciated. 

Ms. Bell's Class Schedule:
Morning Warm-Up      8-8:30
Language Arts               8:40-10:10
Math                                  10:15-11:15
D.E.A.R                             11:15-11:25
Lunch                               11:25-11:55
Specials                           11:55-12:40
Spanish                           12:45- 1:25
Science/SS                     1:30-2:15
Pack Up/Clean Up      2:15- 2:20
Recess                              2:25-2:55

Homework 8/27/12
L.A. : 1. Read for 30 min. (every night)
           2. Acrostic Poem
           3. Bring back signed papers and Wednesday Folder (blue)
           4.  Get agenda signed (or initialed) by a parent (every night)

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