Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5th Grade Exhibition~ May 25, 2012

Thanks so much for your patience in receiving Exhibition information.  Below is the schedule with a list of the groups in our class and the location where they should be presenting on Friday.  Please be flexible, as the locations are subject to change! We hope to see you on Friday morning. 
Each group will present three times. The schedule is as follows:
Session 1:  9 - 9:20
Session 2:  9:30- 9:50
Session 3:  10:00 - 10:20
Topic                                 Students                                                             Location           
Racism                              Marian, Joe, Ivey, & Jasmine N.                      Music Rm.  
Water Pollution                Andrew, George, Jordan, & Jonathan            Computer Lab
Renewable Energy           David, Cristian, & Da'Juan                              Computer Lab  
Animal Abuse                   Nicole, Kate, Tali, & Carlos P.                         Art Rm. 
Homelessness                   Ella, Jennifer, Niah, & Alexus                         Sra. Bell's Rm. 
Animal Testing                 Bryson, Corinne, Anna, & Eliza                       Sra. Gourley's Rm.  
Bullying                              Reid, Jazzy, Jaden, & Carlos                           Cafeteria

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