Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

Great news! Ivey got his cast off...Hooray!
Our class is desparately seeking copies of The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg. If any parents would like to donate a copy to a class set, or buy a copy for your child to use and keep please let me know.  Friday's math test has bumped to Monday. Sorry! Apparently the fifth grade has to take an EOG math field test on Friday.  I apologize for the schedule change.  After finishing the Ecosystems unit today, students will be jumping into Force and Motion beginning tomorrow.  I suggested to Mr. Knott that we should take a trip to Busch Gardens to ride the roller coasters and investigate force and motion...he just laughed. Since it was not a definitive, "NO!," I will continue to inquire about the posibility! ;)

Homework 4/18/12
Language Arts: Read for 30 minutes w/post-it notes
Social Studies: List what you know about the Civil War or write at least 5 questions you have abt this topic
Math: Write and solve 2 word problems that involve area/perimeter. Challenge yourself! Two chosen problem creators will earn a homework pass 

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