Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

   Things are really hopping in our class!  Mrs. Dorin is pushing-in to team teach with me from 9:30-10:15 every day, during our language arts block.  It is absolutely awesome having two teachers in the room.  After finishing the The Lightning Thief last week, the students received their Book Club books.  Small groups are reading Savvy, The City of Ember, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and Shoeless Joe and Me. The kids will be reading on their own and then coming together for Book Club (literature circles) on Fridays. Each Friday, the students will have a different role in the group including: discussion director, illustrator, summary supervisor, connector, and word wizard.  They will continue to read their book club selections independently as we move on to our next class novel the week after next, The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg.  After a visit from Vibrant Verba to teach us about using exciting verbs in writing, the students are writing and illustrating their own action verb books in the style of Chris Van Alsberg's The Z Was Zapped. When they are finished, it will be published by the JAG Writing Office.
  After taking the Data Analysis & Graphing Unit Post Assessment today, the students will be moving on to geometry. Angles, polygons, and symmetry...oh my!  There will be a pre-test tomorrow, and the students will then be flex grouped as they have been for each unit.
   The students have really taken the weather and climate unit far beyond my expectations. In class they asked insightful questions and were very inquisitive about advanced topics related to what we learned.  I dare say we have a few professional scientists in the making.  The weather and climate final assessment will be on Friday, February 17.

Homework 2/15/12
Language Arts: 1. Book Club reading/post-it notes (30 min/1 chapter)
                        2. Complete Ch 1-3 comprehension questions

Science:  STUDY notes in your science composition book for Weather & Climate Test Friday!

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