Blue Group will be responsible for all 15. Green and Yellow Group are responsible for the first 10 words on the list. Study, Study, Study...and remember to use great vocabulary in your writing! =)
1. shabby- (adj.) old and worn-out or rundown
2. scornful- (adj.) mean or full of bad feelings
3. enthroned- (v.) to place on a throne or altar
4. gingerly- (adv.) to do something with caution; carefully
5. taut- (adj.) when something is tight, or when a situation is emotionally tense
6. integrate- (v.) to bring together or unite; to mix
7. defiantly- (adv.) boldly or in a way that goes against what you are supposed to do; disobediently
8. vague- (adj.) not clear; confusing
9. quavered- (v.) trembled or shook with fear or weakness
10. haughty- (adj.) snobby or having too much pride in oneself while showing dislike of someone else; arrogant
11. petrified- (v.) paralyzed with fear; converted to stone
12. cultivated- (v.) to grow and raise (usually crops)
13. ethnic- (adj) of or describing a group that shares the same language and culture
14. accumulative- (v.) piled up or gathered over a period of time
15. teetered (v.) balanced on the edge; to go back and forth between ideas
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